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TFN Review: Sphere Of Influence

2 Oct

The Clone Wars Season 3 Episode 4: Sphere of Influence

Politics once again played a key role in this episode, but the balance between talking and shooting was much more in keeping with the “war” part of the show title. The introduction of several new characters and the development of some familiar ones made this episode exciting to watch. The Papanoida family’s TCW debut impressed me, and we saw more character development for Ahsoka, along with an emphasis on the personality of Senator Chuchi. Even this episode’s egregious flaw didn’t affect the rest of the plot too much. (I’ll get to that later.)

The introduction of Baron Papanoida was a large part of why I really enjoyed this episode. His voice was masterfully done — I thought it fit the character perfectly. He sounded exotic and authoritative, with a note of emotion in his voice at just the moments (such as when he grabbed Greedo by the collar in Jabba’s palace). He was a great mix of political savvy and combat readiness, and he certainly had a lot of the latter. He knew when it was important to be cautious, and he had a kind of “been there, done that” toughness that was refreshing. I liked when he warned his son that the Hutts were the only meaningful law on Tatooine. It was his own “Wretched hive of scum and villainy” moment. It’s nice to see that Padmé isn’t the only diplomatic figure who knows how to handle a blaster. Papanoida’s fears for his daughters came through well on-screen, and that was very important in this episode.

Another character who was portrayed well in this episode was Senator Riyo Chuchi. She seemed a lot like Padmé in many ways — a savvy politician and a brave person who is loyal to her people and to democracy. She also worked well with Ahsoka, and I would like to see their friendship explored in greater detail. We were supposed to assume that they had met and worked together before, but I don’t remember this from a previous episode. They are both great characters with similarly strong personalities; another team mission would be interesting to see. Senator Chuchi showed how smart she was at the end of the episode when she cut that deal with the Trade Federation representative to end the blockade of Pantora.

The visuals in this episode were very impressive. Some of it was blink-and-you’ll-miss-it-type stuff, very subtle but very detailed and realistic. For example, when Chairman Papanoida meets with Senator Chuchi in her office, you can see busy Coruscant traffic streams behind her, and the massive skyscrapers in the foreground are partially engulfed in shadow. The shots of Senator Chuchi’s office featured ornate furniture and close attention to lighting and shadow detail, proving once again that the animation team goes over every frame with a fine-toothed comb to make it appear more like it would in real life. It’s those little moments that enhance the experience of watching this show. Jabba’s palace also looked great, from the lighting near his dais to the background aliens conversing in the shadows. The scenes were colorful and exotic, and it felt just like the palace had appeared in ROTJ. It was cool to see that atmosphere and location revisited in theanimated style. It seemed that great attention was again paid to lighting in the palace; you could see specks of light hovering in the smoky air behind the Twi’lek to whom Chairman Papanoida spoke. I was intrigued to see the bounty hunter Embo (from Season 2) hanging out in Jabba’s palace, given that he seems like a more honorable bounty hunter than the type who usually hangs with Jabba’s crowd.

I was also glad to see to Greedo take Baron Papanoida to the Cantina, because if you’re on Tatooineanyway, how can you not stop by the famous bar from ANH? The inclusion of the animal sound (I think it was an eopie) outside the Cantina really helped set the scene — I felt like I was watching Episode I for a second. The inside of the Cantina looked great, just like it did in the movie, but I wish it had been more crowded. I understand that models are time-consuming to build and animate, but the Cantina looked way too empty. The conspicuous absence of the usual diversity of species was almost jarring, given that we’ve only ever seen the Cantina packed with creatures. Even so, the fight inside the Cantina was fast-faced and exciting, and we finally got to see Baron Papanoida wield a weapon. I had always wanted to see a fight in that Cantina, and this one didn’t disappoint.

Padmé had some interesting moments in this episode, which I’ll touch on briefly. I liked her point about the Naboo/Pantora blockade connection. It was a reminder of the Trade Federation’s obvious guilt in both matters, and a subtle jab at the Senate for refusing to take action in either case. This was also the first time we’ve seen Padmé act motherly toward Ahsoka — they haven’t had nearly enough screen time together given how close each of them is to Anakin. I also liked seeing Padmé’s joking criticism of Anakin’s hands-off approach to training his Padawan: “I still can’t believe they let you teach.” That’s the first time we’ve really heard Padmé’s thoughts, sincere or otherwise, aboutAnakin being an instructor.

Ahsoka’s growth in this episode was apparent at several points. I was impressed to see her pull off two Mind Tricks, especially since she’d never done it before. I liked seeing her levitate Senator Chuchi to avoid Sib Canay catching them, but it also pleased me to see her struggling to maintain the act of levitation. It’s clear that her Force powers are still developing, and even though we see her do some pretty amazing stuff later in this episode (including taking out a contingent of Super Battle Droids, which would have been incredible for her just two seasons prior), she’s definitely in the process of learning to master her abilities. They didn’t have to include that split-second shot of Ahsoka focusing to maintain her grip on Senator Chuchi, but the fact that they did indicates a desire to showcase her growth throughout the season. She’s clearly improving as a Jedi and demonstrating that she is less and less reliant on Anakin’s aid.

At the center of this story was the political dilemma of the Trade Federation. As seen at the beginning of the episode, Senator Lott Dod avers that the Trade Federation is not a part of the CIS simply because they do business with the Separatists. While that is an interesting statement (one that plays into the idea of moral ambiguity on both sides of the conflict), it’s obviously flimsy cover for the Trade Federation’s true motives. It’s unclear whether or not the Senate fully believes Dod’s claim, but either way, they are unwilling to act in the interest of the Pantorans upon learning of the blockade. Senator Dod claims that the blockade is necessary to ensure that Pantora pays its debts to the Trade Federation — a confusing and shallow claim at best and an admission of intimidation and bullying at worst. The fact that this is not apparent to the assembled politicians is further evidence of the alarming deterioration of the Senate. The eventual revelation of Neimoidian Sib Canay’s treachery should do little to encourage the Senate to believe Lott Dod — after all, they must remember the Senator’s suspicious refusal to allow aid to reach Ryloth earlier in the war. But when the Trade Federation Senator announces that he’s ending the Pantoran blockade, he receives cheers. To me, this inexplicable stupidity was a lot like the end of ROTS, where we saw liberty die in the Senate Chamber. It was a great way for The Clone Wars to emphasize the ignorance, corruption, and decay of the Republic’s political system.

One last thing must be addressed before I wrap up. Since the preview for this episode aired following the conclusion of Supply Lines, fans had been wondering about the inclusion of Greedo in this episode. A character named Greedo had appeared in The Phantom Menace, but Lucasfilm later said that it had been Greedo the Elder, the father of the Rodian who met his end in A New Hope. I was prepared to believe that Sphere of Influence would feature Greedo the Elder, since he could be a young adult by this time. However, the announcer in the Cartoon Network preview seemed to be implying that it was the Greedo we all knew from ANH, which worried me. According to the Expanded Universe, the younger Greedo was born during the same year in which the Clone Wars came to an end with Palpatine’s declaration of a Galactic Empire. In other words, ANH Greedo didn’t even exist during the time of TCW. Shortly after the preview aired, my worry was justified. Leland Chee commented on Twitter that they had already tried to retcon TPM Greedo to become Greedo the Elder, and that they weren’t going to attempt to place TCW Greedo correctly in Star Wars canon. This is extremely annoying to me, and given the importance that Lucasfilm seems to place on maintenance of canon in general (Leland Chee’s entire job revolves around that), I’m surprised they would just ignore something like this. Here we have a character appearing in a story that takes place when he shouldn’t even be born yet. I’m utterly confused as to why they didn’t just say that Greedo the Elder was the Rodian in both TPM and this episode of TCW.

Outrage over canon aside (It would have been so easy to make this work! Come on! Okay, forget it…), Sphere of Influence was a great episode in several ways. Ahsoka grew as a Jedi, Papanoida shined in his first major story appearance, and we saw more of the corruption and inaction that made the Republic Senate so famously shameful. I would like to get back to the heavy focus on large-scale ground and space battles — or really any combat involving Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan — sometime soon, but this episode played an important role in the overall story of the era. Politics may not be the most exhilarating story material (except “aggressive negotiations, of course), but you can’t conduct a war without involving politics, and this was probably the most political war inStar Wars history. (At least until a canon-defyingly resurrected Greedo starts his own war in the Legacy era. Okay, fine! I’m done griping now.)

Star Wars: The Best of 2009

31 Dec looks back on the year that was by listing their choices for the ten most memorable Star Wars stories of 2009. FromStar Wars in Concert to Fanboys to Season 2 ofThe Clone Warsclick here and see if your top ten list matches the main site’s. Then, make sure to listen in to part 1 of the ForceCast: 2009 Year in Review!

Chick-fil-A Declares Dual Win

11 Sep

Just seen on Twitter: “TK-COW shares victory with the Jobe Family and BOTH are declared Grand Prize Winners courtesy of Chick-fil-A. Thank you to ALL of you who put up with the heavy promotion and incessant pleas for votes in those last few days! Families in facing starvation in New Mexico will be a little less hungry because of the time you took to vote. Rock on!”

Jedi Journals: Death Troopers Book Tour & More

11 Sep

Joe from Del Rey wanted to let everybody how excited he is about this new book. Heck, I haven’t looked forward to a book this much since Timothy Zahn’s AllegianceDeath Troopersisn’t due until October 13, 2009, but you can get in on the madness right now!

Here’s what’s going on —
One ñ Joe Schreiber tour dates. Youíll find the full promotional tour Joe will be doing for Death Troopers and No Doors, No Windows at the bottom of this post.

Two ñ Canít make it or donít live near any of the cities on the tour and want a signed copy of the book? That can be arranged. Joe will be signing copies of both Death Troopers and No Doors, No Windows over at the, a great site that specializes in selling signed editions of new titles.

Three ñ There are still a few days to get your Death Troopers fan trailer in. 9 Days to be exact. Iím not sure if youíre aware of the contest, but all the details are over at the Death Troopers site,

Four ñ Speaking of trailers, check out the Death Troopers trailer that a group of Star Wars fans at Del Rey made earlier this summer. Here it is on YouTube. Weíd love you forever if you would put it on your site!

Five ñ Thereís tons more stuff we have planned, so stay tuned.

LOS ANGELES, CA – Tuesday, October 13
Barnes & Noble, 7881 Edinger Avenue, Huntington Beach ⎯7:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

SACRAMENTO, CA – Thursday, October 15
Borders Books & Music, 2765 E Bidwell Street, Folsom ⎯7:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

SEATTLE, WA – Friday, October 16
University Bookstore, 4326 University Way NE ⎯7:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

PORTLAND, OR – Saturday, October 17
Powellís, Cedar Hills Crossing, 3415 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Beaverton ⎯7:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

CHICAGO, IL – Monday, October 19
Borders Books & Music, 1500 16th Street, Oak Brook ⎯7:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Tuesday, October 20
Barnes & Noble, 14709 US Hwy 31 North, Carmel⎯7:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

PHILADELPHIA, PA – Saturday, October 24
Borders Books & Music, 1149 Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr ⎯2:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

LANSING, MI – Sunday, November 1
Horizon Books, 319 E. Mitchell Street, Petoskey ⎯2:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

PORTAGE, MI – Monday, November 2
Portage District Library, 300 Library Lane, Portage ⎯6:30pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

TULSA, OK – Tuesday, November 15
Barnes & Noble, 8620 East 71st Street, ⎯7:00pm
Talk, Q&A, Signing

Death Troopers: Purge Letters!!!!

11 Sep

NOTE: The following messages were recovered from the Imperial Prison Barge Purge, after its discovery in the Unknown Regions.

With the exception of certain elements that have been redacted upon the request of specific parties or individuals, these letters and notations are presented here unedited, with their original spelling and syntax intact, in the interest of galactic scholarship.

The messages have been distributed to the following sites:,

From Dr. Cody to her father:

Dear Dad:

I don’t have much time but I wanted to get this down while I had a chance. Things here have changed dramatically. In the last two hours my medbay has been overrun with sick inmates, guards and troopers, many of whom have already died while in my care. My medical droid and I have no idea what type of infection we’re dealing with, only that it’s extremely aggressive and traditional treatment seems completely ineffective.

Worse, our isolation and quarantine countermeasures have no effect. Although I haven’t found any sign of contamination in myself yet, I can’t help but think it may be inevitable.

There is sickness and despair everywhere, confusion and complete breakdown of order on every level. I just saw a stormtrooper in the hallway take off his helmet and put his blaster to his head. He was crying when he did it.

Even now I don’t regret what I’ve done here and continue to try my best to help. I will try to write again if I get the chance but now must go.


New Hoth Level For TFU: USE

11 Sep

Our friend Geoff K. sends us the following update regarding the new Hoth level that will be released this Fall in the upcoming The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition:

“This Thursday, tune into GameTrailers TV on SPIKE for breaking LucasArts news! President Darrell Rodriguez joins host Geoff Keighley to unveil LucasArts’ brand-new original game for the first time anywhere. Plus, find out which legendary LucasArts game is coming next to Steam. And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also get a first look at the Hoth level coming to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Sith Edition, the debut of the level builder in Lego Indiana Jones 2, and meet Kul Teska, a new boss from Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes.

Watch GameTrailers TV, Thursday September 10 at 12:30 AM ET/PT in HD on Spike TV.”

SW Live Action Series In 2012

7 Sep

See the following update posted concerning the Star Wars live action TV series:

“The San Francisco Examiner has a great article covering the ìFuture of Star Warsî panel at Dragon*Con. Hereís what Steve Sansweet announced:

ïLive Action TV series confirmed, most likely airing 2012.
ïWeekly drama show.
ïOne hour episodes.
ïPossible ìnews from Daniel [Loganís] camp in the not-too-distant future.î

Source: The San Francisco Examiner by way of

Death Troopers Soundtrack

7 Sep

Ever wonder what type of music/theme goes thru the mind of an author as he/she is penning chapters to their latest book? What would the author want you to “hear” as you proceed thru each scene or situation page by page?

Well, now you have the chance to find out just that, as author Joe Schreiber lists his “soundtrack”for his upcoming Star Wars horror novel, Death Troopers.

20th Century Fox Fanfare – John Williams
30 Days in the Hole – Gov’t Mule
Call Me Number 5 – Paul Weller
The Shining Opening Theme (Boarding the Destroyer) – Wendy Carlos
Gouge Away – The Pixies
Death and All His Friends – Coldplay
Superbeast – Rob Zombie
The Outsider – Perfect Circle
Made of Scars – Stone Sour
Fall to Pieces – Velvet Revolver
Emergency Exit – Beck
Hurt – Johnny Cash
This is the Sea – The Waterboys
Please Read the Letter – Alison Krauss/Robert Plant

Point your browser here to visit Joe Schreiber’s blog site to read the full article.

Death Troopers is scheduled to hit retail bookstore shelves on October 13th.


When the Imperial prison barge Purgeñtemporary home to five hundred of the galaxyís most ruthless killers, rebels, scoundrels, and thievesñbreaks down in a distant, uninhabited part of space, its only hope appears to lie with a Star Destroyer found drifting, derelict, and seemingly abandoned. But when a boarding party from the Purge is sent to scavenge for parts, only half of them come backñbringing with them a horrific disease so lethal that within hours nearly all aboard the Purge die in ways too hideous to imagine.

And death is only the beginning.

The Purgeís half-dozen survivorsñtwo teenage brothers, a sadistic captain of the guards, a couple of rogue smugglers, and the chief medical officer, the lone woman on boardñwill do whatever it takes to stay alive. But nothing can prepare them for what lies waiting aboard the Star Destroyer amid its vast creaking emptiness that isnít really empty at all. For the dead are rising: soulless, unstoppable, and unspeakably hungry.

Carrie Fisher Visits The Late Late Show

6 Sep

Our friends at let us know that Carrie Fisher made a guest appearance on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson while supporting her role in the upcoming horror filmSorority Row.

Ahmed Best Returns To The Clone Wars

6 Sep

The one and only Jovial Jay brings our attention to a tweet by the original voice of Jar Jar Binks who looks to be returning to The Clone Warsthis upcoming season.

From Ahmed Best’s Twitter:

“Regardless of the jar jar history, I really enjoyed doing clone wars this week. Big ups lucasfilm!”

Thanks Jay!